Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Why Do Some People Pay Attention - 1346 Words
The Models Why do some people pay attention to certain models and not others? Why do people imitate the same behavior differently? These are the questions Bandura (1977) attempted to answer in identifying some of the variables that influence the modeling process. Characteristics of the model, for example, determine to some extent whether or not they will be imitated. Models who are more similar to the person observing the behavior are more likely to be imitated, thus girls tend to imitate others of their same gender, and boys, vice versa. Models who are competent--perceived to have power and prestige--are also more likely to be imitated. Movie stars and athletes, as a result, often find their behavior and appearance imitated. Finally,†¦show more content†¦The four processes are attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation. †¢ Attention Observers must attend to the modeled behavior. Attention is influenced by characteristics of the observer (perceptual abilities, cognitive abilities, arousal, past performance) and characteristics of the behavior or event such as relevance, novelty, affective valence, and functional value. †¢ Retention In order to reproduce an observed behavior, observers must be able to remember features of the behavior. Again, this process is influenced by observer characteristics (cognitive capabilities, cognitive rehearsal) and event characteristics (complexity). †¢ Reproduction To reproduce a behavior, the observer must organize responses in accordance with the model. Observer characteristics affecting reproduction include physical and cognitive capabilities and previous performance. †¢ Motivation The decision to reproduce (or refrain from reproducing) an observed behavior is dependent on the motivations and expectations of the observer, including anticipated consequences and internal standards. Basic Assumptions of social learning theory: Social-cognitive theory is grounded by several basic assumptions. There are five assumptions of social learning theory: 1. People can learn by observing others. Learners can acquire new behaviors and knowledge by simply observing a model. A model is a person who demonstrates behavior for someone else. In our Electric
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Problem Of Discrimination At The Civil Rights Act Of 1964
Alvarez and Moser explore the problem of discrimination in the large company Walmart. Many female employees claim were their discriminated against in the workplace and sued the company for the unfair treatment in salary and promotion. This article shows the information of lawsuit cases for large company. The company had more awareness suing from the employee and needed to prevent it. I will use this source for backing ground for my argument. It shows 500,000 female employees files for the lawsuit in pay and promotions in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This evidence should help me to improve my argument for discrimination in the workplace. Busteed shows that the different performance between female athletes and male athletes after graduating from college. Gallup-Purdue Index, shows that formal female athletes do better perform in their career than male athletes do. This data show how the female athletes participate in work activities and have a great achieveme nt in the workplace and usually have a positive aspect in their sports and life. I will use this source for valid conditions of rebuttal. People might think male students perform better than female, but female are better than male students. Covert explores how women are discriminated against in the workplace. He shows 30 percent of women had the discrimination problem by using a new poll data from the Center for American Press and Elle Magazine. The different pay gap between men and women stillShow MoreRelatedTreton Discrimination Case1050 Words  | 5 PagesEmployment Discrimination at Treton Communications David Erving Oregon Institute of Technology Abstract Equal employment opportunity has been has been a major concern in American history. Although the nation was founded on the principles of individual merit, hard work and equality; discrimination still persists. Therefore, laws have been enacted to protect those who have been the victims of employment discrimination. A benchmark in employment laws is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act ofRead MoreEqual Employment Opportunity Essay1514 Words  | 7 Pagespolicies (â€Å"Federal Laws Prohibiting Job Discrimination Questions and Answers†). Some laws that have been passed are the Equal Pay Act of 1963, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967. Although some discrimination is still a problem, all of these laws have helped the United States citizens become treated more equally in the work force. The Equal Pay Act was established on June 10, 1963(â€Å"The Equal Pay Act of 1963†). It is also referred to as theRead MoreEffects Of The Civil Rights Movement910 Words  | 4 PagesThe Civil Rights Movement caused conflict after African Americans in Southern states were mistreated and had very different rights as the white. Some of the inequalities that African Americans had to face include the opportunities for housing, education and employment, the right to vote, and discrimination in several public places. This also gave the Supreme Court a new aspect since discrimination and segregation were legal. With a great leader such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. protesting for equalRead MoreLegal Issues In Reduction Of Workforce Essay1733 Words  | 7 Pagesemployment status. Nora Manson Nora Manson: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was aimed at helping the integration of African Americans into the workforce mainstream. Title VII prohibits discriminatory employment practices based on race or color that involve recruiting, hiring, and promotion of employees (Reed et al, 2005). Manson is the only African American in the group being considered. Therefore, she might have a lawsuit based on the 1964 Act. If she’s fired, she can claim that she was discriminatedRead MoreThe Civil Rights Act Of 1964 Essay1366 Words  | 6 PagesDraft (Paper 1) Throughout history discrimination has always been present anything that makes an individual different from another individual. Discirimination happens all the time which is tragic.During the 1960’s EEOC was created following the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a civil rights legislation. The Civil Rights Act outlawed discrimination and enforced that everyone was getting paid the same amount. Although , discrimination was still there but the law did helpRead MoreThe Civil Rights Act Of 1957944 Words  | 4 Pagesagony of discrimination in the area of housing, the armed forces and transportation. These forms of discrimination joined with the idea of the inferiority of the Negro were the key stumbling blocks of the Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy and Johnson administrations in trying to improve the civil rights of the Negro (Rhode, 2014). In order to take a comprehensive look at the origins of the C.R.A. of 1964, it is necessary to examine the three previous administrations actions towards civil rights. EisenhowerRead MoreEssay on Relevancy of the Voting Rights Act in Modern Times1730 Words  | 7 Pagesthe Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, President Lynden Johnson decided it was time to create some legislation to prevent incidences such as this from happening in the future. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 have been hailed as some of â€Å"the most far-reaching bills on civil rights in modern times†(Schmidt et. al. 2010, 98). At that time in history, they were exactly what the country needed to stop itself from the discriminatory practices that were so wide spreadRead MoreHistory of Civil Rights in America Essay1515 Words  | 7 Pagesbright and ominous as we as a nation have been openly discriminating against African-Americans for many years. For nearly as many years as Americans have been discriminating against African-Americans, people have been fighting for some form of equal rights for everyone, especially the African-America ns. History has shown that African-Americans have had some of the most valuable personal contributions that invariably led to the balancing of the tides of the American population. People are always theRead MoreShould The Civil Right Act?1184 Words  | 5 Pagesare mind blogging, right Well, let s think about a question like that when it comes to human resources management. One particular question that comes across is how significant is that Civil Right Act and how would it be if that act did not exist. One of my favorite times in history is the civil right movements, so when this topic was given my first go to was the civil right acts. The civil rights are the nation s premier civil rights legislation. The act outlawed discrimination based on race, colorRead MoreAnalyzing Diversity Within The Workplace1061 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"a place where a variety of races, cultures, or individuals assimilate into a cohesive whole†(Merriam-Webster, n.d.). For the purpose of analyzing diversity in the workplace, it is necessary to also define â€Å"cohesion.†Cohesion is defined as the act or state of sticking together tightly; especially: unity†(Merriam-Webster, n.d.). Is the United States truly a country where people regardless of their different ethnicities, genders, sexual orientation, cultures, and religious beliefs unified because
Sunday, December 8, 2019
American Short Fiction Essay Example For Students
American Short Fiction Essay Word Count: 2178The Influence of Realism and Naturalism on 20th Century American Fiction After World War IAmerican people and the authors among them were left disillusioned by the effects that World War I had on their society. America needed a literature that would explain what had happened and what was happening to their society. American writers turned to what is now known as modernism. The influence of 19th Century realism and naturalism and their truthful representation of American life and people was evident in post World War I modernism. This paper will try to prove this by presenting the basic ideas and of these literary genres, literary examples of each, and then make connections between the two literary movements. Realism and Modernism not only depicted American society after World War I accurately and unbiasedly, but also tried to find the solutions brought upon by the suffering created by the war (Elliott 705). The realistic movement of the late 19th century saw authors ac curately depict life and its problems. Realists attempted to give a comprehensive picture of modern life (Elliott 502) by presenting many walks of life. They did not try to give one view of life but instead attempted to show the different classes, manners, and stratification of life in America. Realists created this picture of America by combining a wide variety of details derived from observation and documentation to approach the norm of experience (Elliot 503). Along with this technique, realists compared the objective or absolute existence in America to that of the universal truths, or observed facts of life (Harvey 12). In other words, realists objectively looked at American society and pointed out the aspects that it had in common with the general truths of existence. This realistic movement evolved as a result of many changes and transitions in American culture. In the late 1800s, the United States was experiencing swift growth and change (Bradley114) as a result of a changing economy, society, and culture because of an influx in the number of immigrants into America. Realists such as Henry James and William Dean Howells, two of the most prolific writers of the Nineteenth century, used typical realistic methods to create an accurate depiction of changing American life. William Dean Howells made his comic criticisms of society (Bradley 114) by comparing American culture with those of other countries. In his comic writings, Howells criticized American morality and ethics but still managed to accurately portray life as it happened. He attacked and attempted to resolve the moral difficulties of society by this rapid change (Elliott 505). He believed that novels should should present life as it is, not as it might be (American Literature Comptons). In the process of doing this, Howells demonstrated how life shaped the characters in his novels and their own motives and inspirations. By concentrating on these characters strengths as opposed to creating a strong plot, he thematically wrote of how life was more good than evil and, in return, wanted his literature to inspire more good. On the other hand, Henry James judged the world from a perspective offered by society and history (Bradley 704). He also separated himself from America to create an unbiased view of it as a spectator and analyst rather than recorder (Spiller 169) of the American social structure. He wrote from a perspective that allowed him to contrast American society with that of Europe by contrasting the peoples ideas. By contrasting social values and personal thought about Americas view of America, he presented to the people the differing motivational factors that stimulated the different social classes (Bradley 1143). Overall, these writers managed to very formally portray America as it was while adding their own criticisms about it in an attempt to stimulate change. The naturalist movement slowly developed with most of the same ideals as those of the realists in that it attempted to find lifes truths. In contrast, Naturalists, extreme realists, saw the corrupt side of life and how environment deprived individuals of responsibility (Elliott 514). Literary naturalism invited writers to examine human beings objectively, as a scientist studies nature (Am. Lit. Comptons). In portraying ugliness and cruelty, the authors refrained from preaching about them; rather they left readers to draw their own conclusions about the life they presented. Generally, these authors took a pessimistic view to portray a life that centered on the negative part of mans existence. When dealing with society directly, naturalists generally detailed the destruction of people without any sentiment. To do this, they wrote more open about societys problems in a more open manner usually using nature as a symbol for society. Naturalistic literature, like realistic, served as a catalyst for change but, in contrast, was a little more like propaganda. Even though only twenty years may h ave separated them, the transformation from realism/naturalism to modernism was a long one in terms of how much society had changed. The aforementioned rapid change in American society and Americas relation with the rest of the world left America in disarray. After the First World War, American society was divided and left without definition. This called for a new age of literary expression to control and document the isolationist fears, corruption, and disenchantment (Bradley 1339-1340) caused by the war. Authors looked to explain their generation and to respond to the social and moral confusions (1340). The World War broke down Americas fundamental institutions by dehumanizing the people that provided their strong foundations (1339). War diminished the individual identity and the society as a whole. The human personality was dwarfed as much by the dehumanizing magnitude of modern events (Bradley 1339) as by natural laws that controlled man to their own destiny. The French and Indian War Essay Authors after World War I created a new literature of enduring meritthat shattered conventional taboos in their expression of physical and psychological actuality. (Bradley 1339) This was the beginning of modernism. Modernism, although strongly influenced by realism and often referred to as an extension of naturalistic values, was the answer to Americas newfound problems. Modernism promoted and combined the scientific aspects of naturalism along with a psychological examination of the individual and the culture. By being so experimental (1340) and intense (1337), modernism was able to unite America after a period of crisis. Modernism centered on explorations into the spiritual nature of men and the value of his society and institutions. (1337) Like realism, modernists focused on changes on society (Elliott 699) and used symbolism, although in this case spiritual, to draw their fiction (Bradley 1340). Modernist writers, like most Americans, were amazed at the destructive power of war on the common man. Writers such as Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, and F. Scott Fitzgerald spearheaded the modernistic renaissance by employing realistic and naturalistic techniques. Hemingways The Sun Also Rises details the principle of an alienation from society that had been forced upon by the circumstances of the time (Spiller 271). In this case, it describes a young boy alienated from society because of his involvement in World War I, the loss of faith and hope and collapse of former values that occurs (Hart 284). His earlier works can sometimes be described as containing characteristic influences of naturalism (Bradley 1339). This can be reflected in his presentation of the strict relations between environment and fate (1339). Later in his career, Hemingway once again took the alienation from society route. This time, in the spirit of realist Henry James, he separates himself from American society to better judge it. With his novel The Green Hills of Africa, Hemingway compares American cultur e to Africas. At times, Hemingway began to seem like a little more than a modern realist (Spiller Lit His 1300). William Faulkner, producer of some of the most important books of the twentieth century, also strongly draws the connection between environment and fate. He combines naturalism and primitivism, a literary technique involving clear imagery, to create a sometimes confusing and complex detailed reading that involves people of all sorts- wealthy and poor, evil and good, slave and free- coming into sharp focus in his writing. (Faulkner Comptons) This idea, much like that of realist James, provides the reader with the whole picture of society. The novels and short stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald are famous for portraying the lost generation of the post-World War I era. Fitzgeralds moral values were social rather than personal (Fitzgerald Comptons). He believes that his writing should address the problems that society has and the problems that he has with society. Faulkners prose is ornate and complex. His sentences are long and complicated, and many nouns and adjectives are used. Hemingways style is quite the opposite. His sentences are short and pointed, and adjectives are used sparingly. The effect is one of great power and compression. By compressing his literary ideas in his writing, he makes his literature easily understood and direct to his readers. Many connections can be made between the literature of the late 19th century realism and naturalism and that of post-World War I modernism. First and most importantly of all, modernists, like realists and naturalists, attacked societys problems by using symbolism to make t heir own judgments of the basic foundations of American life. Modernists, such as Ernest Hemingway, looked at American society and compared to that of other cultures of the world. This technique had been extensively employed by such realists as Henry James. Modernism used the naturalist method of scientifically exploring the individual and the society. Stylistically, modernists, with the exception of Hemingway, wrote in a very formal, defined form. Modernists and realists both attacked the moral dilemmas in society. The only difference was that these dilemmas were different. While the realists attempted to give a comprehensive picture of modern life (502), modernists wished express the whole experience of modern life. (Elliott 598). These authors of the realistic and modernistic period had the same goals so naturally they wrote using the same ideas, methods, and principles. Realists focused on different literary aspects to detail how American culture was effected by these changes. T hey detailed characters shaped by society and tried to convey the good and evil aspects of life. Mirroring this technique, modernists portrayed people alienated and rejected from society because of the effects of the First World War. Both focused on detailing problems facing their characters, externally and internally, while not focusing on plot development. Thematically, both groups of authors conveyed the good and bad aspects of a changing American society. Both rallied for change and both asked for the unification of society, but both still lingered more on the presence of corruption in America. The only thing that separated the two movements was the societies around them. While both societies were experiencing major change quickly, they were so different. The two literatures had to be distinguished not because of their content and character, which was for the most part the same, but instead because of the differing conditions that existed around the literature. Even though both wanted to accurately depict life, they were written in two very distinct times in American history. During the rise of Realism and Naturalism, American culture was expanding and adapting. Modern life was being oppressed by the dehumanizing agents of warfare on a large scale. As we know, culture influences literature. Even though these two literary movements may have only been separated by about twenty years, in these twenty years, focus shifted from the interior of American society to how American society was affected by a conflict created as a result of opposing cultures. This idea of differing cultures producing differing literatures provides the basis for the differences in the movements. Modernism after World War I was influenced by the realistic/naturalistic movement of the late Nineteenth century. The literary goals, techniques, and principles of the modernists and realists/naturalists were the same. Both wanted to paint an unbiased, accurate picture of society by confronting the problems of the individual and of the society. To do this, most of the time they resorted to the same techniques. They created literature that combined scientific reasoning, unidealistic views and physical and psychological examination that painted a portrait of society that could be used to help American society adjust, define, and heal. Realists of the late Nineteenth century and Modernists of the 1920s wrote alike but were divided on the basis that their respective societies were so different. Works CitedAmerican Literature. Comptons Interactive Encyclopedia (Computer Program) 1995 Bradley, Sculley. The American Tradition in Literature. New York City: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1967: 1336-1342 Elliott, Emory. Columbia Literary History of the United States. New York City: Columbia University Press: 1988, 502-504, 599 Faulkner, William. Comptons Interactive Encyclopedia (Computer Program) 1995 Fitzgerald, Scott F.Comptons Interactive Encyclopedia (Computer Program) 1995 Har t, James D. The Oxford Companion to American Literature. New York City: Oxford University Press, 1995:284-285 Pizer, Donald. Realism and Naturalism. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1966: 3, 10-11 Spiller, Robert E. The Cycle of American Literature. New York City: The MacMillan Company, 1966: 269-303 Spiller, Robert E. et al. Literary History of the United States. New York City: The MacMillan Publishing Company, 1974: 1300
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Womens Role In Family. Essays - Gender Studies,
Women's Role In Family. We have had our worst time. Women, for many years were kept hidden inside the dusty den of depravity. They were not allowed to go to a school. Home was their world. Outside world were meant only for men, the bread-earners of a family. Hence, they were wrapped by such a murky life that they remained disregarded for many years. But things are different now. Women induced as much courage within themselves so as to unveil their wrap to the society. Women's liberation group and what not have emerged since then. They have a lot of demands. They want proper education for the girl child. They want status at par with men in every respect possible. But whom are they asking their demands to? Men. That's right. Men. And to me, by activating themselves through this process of liberation, they are in fact intensifying the superior contemplation of their opposite sex. There is no doubt that they have been successful to a certain extent in reaching their goals. Now women go to schools. They can now educate themselves as much as they want. If not a lot, then some are acquiring high and respectable positions in work places. But since it is a fact that even after all these accomplishments, there still exits women liberation groups, makes us think that all of women's demands are not fulfilled. And it will never be fulfilled if they continue this way. That is because whenever they are demanding something, they are actually giving men a choice. If it is fruitful to a man to educate a girl child, then he would consider it, or else they won't. In other words, women haven't really been successful in changing man's attitude towards them. So, what should they do now? I think that the best way to deal with this issue would be to make the man realize of their own importance to the society as a whole. What role do women play in the world? My mother is a woman and I can't disregard her influence on my life. She is a great person to me. And I only have positive thoughts about her. Likewise, every woman should play a key role in establishing a warm and solid link with her child so that in future when the child grows up to be a man, he would realize the importance of a mother in their household. Household. That's the word I still prefer in regard to women. Women truly plays a major role in the household. To me, a family would be perfect and happy if the man plays the role of a bread earner for the family and the woman plays the role of a household mother. Here the meaning of the word mother goes a lot beyond our typical knowledge of motherhood. She won't be the mother only to her child, rather to her family and to her society as a whole. I know that it is not very heard of in the western part of the world. But in the east, where I was born and brought up, injected within me the idea that a woman is a mother whose responsibilities lie strictly surrounding the well being of the family. And if that requires a mother to work outside the home, she should do that, not for the sake of doing it, rather for the betterment of the household she belongs. Even though it may apparently appear to be outrageously wrong to adopt my above suggestion, but, believe me, it works. I truly do not want women to enjoy less freedom than their male counterpart. Neither do I want women to be suppressed from the proper rights and privileges that our society has to offer to an individual. But, just think about it. Bibliography None Sociology
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
X essays
X essays Often people feel threatened by things they cant place a label on. I believe its just human nature to view something, and then try to associate or place a label on it. This is very evident in the story of X. This is definitely, a story written to influence the readers behavior. The bold X in the authors writing is a deliberate attempt to confuse the reader. The X is in contrast to the rest of the article. Although the story of X contains a message of acceptance, it also contains connotations that, its not ok to be part of the norm. The beginning of the story opens with the scientist, a permanent group, trying to find the right parents to raise baby X. To qualify as the parents, they would have to basically disregard all the norms and roles that is attributed to families, primary group, of today. When a newborn is brought home in society, its customary for the husband to pass out blue cigars for a boy and pink for a girl. (a type of symbol to communicate gender) In the case of X, when they arrived at home, the friends and relatives, primary formal and informal groups, didnt know how to react when the Joneses told them X wasnt a boy or a girl, but an X! The friends and relatives were displaying an authoritarian personality. They couldnt say look at her cute little dimples or look at his husky little biceps, stereotypes. At the same time, the Joneses were displaying a Machiavellian personality, by not telling them what baby X was. They were trying to manipulate the family and friends behavior. The scientist also displayed a Machiavellian personality. By doing this, there is a definite role conflict for the parents. Family and friends were put off and confused by their inability to label X, a boy or girl. As X was growing up, the parents had to go against the norms. When raising X, they bounced it and hugged it allot. They came into rol...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Common Application Essay on a Meaningful Place
Common Application Essay on a Meaningful Place Note that this essay option was dropped from the Common Application in the 2015-16 admissions cycle. This does not mean that applicants can not write about a meaningful place with the current Common Application. The topic of your choice option allows you to write about anything, and its also possible that an essay on your background or identity could focus on a meaningful place or environment. The fourth essay option for the 2013 and 2014 Common Application asked applicants to discuss a place or environment that is meaningful to them: Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you? Except for the rare student who isnt content anywhere, this question will be a viable option for a wide range of applicants. Nearly everyone can identify a location that brings contentedness. But this doesnt mean the prompt isnt challenging. Applicants who choose this option will need to make sure they are presenting their chosen location effectively. The tips below can help: Choosing a "Place or Environment" Step one in tackling this prompt is coming up with a place or environment where you are perfectly content. You have a lot of latitude hereyou can write about any specific location on the globe (a place), or you can be less focused and discuss the type of surroundings (environment) that brings you contentedness. The place can be small or large, inside or outside, commonplace or extraordinary. You could also bend the question to explore imagined placeslocations accessible only through your imagination. As you brainstorm this essay prompt, think broadly about the place or environment you are going to discuss. Your options include: A building: Your house, church, school, tree fort, or grandmas home. A store, movie theater, cafà ©, restaurant, fitness club...An interior space: your bedroom, the secret room under the stairs, your science classroom, the locker room, your aunts kitchen, the shower, the drivers seat of your favorite car...An exterior space: the woods, the ocean, the lake, a city street, a rooftop, a meadow in bloom, the dessert at night...A travel destination: Machu Picchu, the San Diego Zoo, the top of Mount Washington, the Avenue des Champs-Élysà ©es, a food market in Shanghai, a tent in the Bad Lands...A performance or athletic venue: the stage of a concert hall, a tennis court, the football field, the shoulder of the road on a bike, the theater...An imagined place: the world portrayed in a painting, J.R.R. Tolkiens Middle Earth, Diagon Alley, the Star Ship Enterprise, Jane Austens England, Downton Abbey... The list could be much, much longer, and please dont let these limited suggestions steer you away from your own place of contentedness. What Does "Perfectly Content" Mean? Many students have interpreted this question to be asking about a place where they are at peace. Indeed, that is one way to read the question, and being in a peaceful state is one type of content state. But the word content can mean much more than a state of peacefulness. It is also a state of satisfaction, and you dont need to be peaceful to be satisfied. An adrenaline junkie might be most content when skydiving, and a musician might be most content when performing a solo to a standing-room-only crowd. These high-pressure situations can be magical, meaningful and content moments, but they are not peaceful. Be Careful When You "Describe" Always keep in mind that the essay is a place for you to tell the admissions folks more about yourself, and for you to demonstrate that you are well prepared for college. The first task asked of you in prompt #4 Describe a place or environment is also the least challenging part of the question. Describing, unlike analyzing, is a pretty low-level form of thinking. This part of the essay has no self-analysis or introspection, so it is not saying much about you, your passions, or how well your mind works. Because of this, dont spend too many of your 650 words describing. Be clear, concise, and engaging as you describe the place you have chosen, but then move on. The description should not be the bulk of your essay. The "What" and the "Why" The end of the prompt is most important. The question is asking you why you feel and act the way you do in your special place. Why is this place or environment meaningful to you? Dig deep. A shallow response isnt going to impress anyone. The student who writes Im most content on the soccer field because Ive always loved soccer hasnt really answered the question. Why do you love soccer? Are you a competitive person? Do you like the teamwork? Does soccer help you escape from other parts of your life? Does it make you a better person? How has your time on the soccer field made you grow? What exactly makes the soccer field so full of meaning for you? A Final Word About an Essay on a Meaningful Place If you really explore the why of this question and go easy on the describing, your essay will be on track to succeed. It might help to rethink prompt #4 in these terms: Tell us about a place that is meaningful to you so that we can get to know you better. The college is asking for an essay because it has holistic admissions, and the admissions officers really do want to get to know you as an individual. The essay is one of the only places on your application (aside from an interview) where you can put forth your personality, interests, and passions. Whatever you focus on in your application essay- whether it be a place, a person, or an event- the essay needs to be about you at its core. To test out your essay, give it to an acquaintance or teacher who doesnt know you particularly well, and ask what that person learned about you from reading the essay. Ideally, the response will be exactly what you want the college to learn about you. Last of all, no matter which essay prompt you choose, pay attention to style, tone, and mechanics. The essay is first and foremost about you, but it also needs to demonstrate a strong writing ability.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Positive Image of Nursing Profession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Positive Image of Nursing Profession - Essay Example The National Association of employers and colleges conducted a survey and established that of the 50,000 new graduates; only 25.5 % of them got a job in the year 2011 (Grice & James, 2008). Â Research shows that patients are discharged sicker and quicker. This implies that the rate of illness has increased and that health matters are at risk. The problem with this quick discharge of patients is an improper diagnosis, poor prescription of medicine and do follow-ups by the health facilities to avert this issue. Â Patients can use the following measures as alternatives to hospitalization. One can adopt intensive outpatient treatment whereby he or she can do normal chores as he receives treatment on daily basis. Respite care is another way in which a patient is supported by peers at home with health tack ticks and with no medication. Day treatment programs can also be adopted. Here a patient receives care throughout the day and then goes home at night (Grice & James, 2008). Â The strategies one can use to diversify nursing include measures such as presenting a positive image in the field. Intensive marketing of this career by the campaign is necessary. Besides, one can support the application process of a student who wants to do nursing. Facilitating the success of students is another strategy. In this case, the best students in the field are recruited for nursing jobs.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Ducati Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ducati - Assignment Example Along with this, such a niche market strategy is implemented by Federico Minioli in order to amplify its net sales thereby amplifying its profitability to a certain extent. Apart from this, in order to enhance its revenues, Ducati decided to utilize its own interpretation like high-performance super sport bikes, low-weight sports bikes, high comfort long riding bikes, stylish bikes and many others that proved extremely effective for the organization in future. Moreover, in order enhance the performance of the bikes Mr. Federico Minioli tried to offer more concentration over technical excellence and reliability as compared to others. By doing so, the EBITDA enhanced from 33.4 million Euros to about 60.0 million Euros in the year 2000. Not only this, the market share of the organization of Ducati also enhanced by 6.7 percent in 2000 that helped the organization of Ducati to protect itself from an insolvent condition. In addition, the reputation of the organization of Ducati also enhanced due to its ability to offer extremely comfortable and versatile bikes at a quite competitive price for all age-groups. This acted as a boon for the organization thereby enhancing its customer range and consistency and dependency to a significant extent among others. Thus, it might be clearly stated that the above mentioned strategy proved extremely beneficial for the organization thereby paving its path for success. In this age, every individual desire to attain stylish and value-added products at a quite competitive price. Keeping this fact in mind, Mr. Federico Minioli designed the bikes of the organization of Ducati. All the bikes of Ducati are extremely fashionable and trendy in appearance as well as comfortable, so as to cover long distances. Not only this, Ducati also designed knee-down bikes, bikes to cover urban roads high-performance and low weight bikes for the sport lovers and many others in order to
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Life and History of Winston S. Churchill Essay Example for Free
The Life and History of Winston S. Churchill Essay Winston Churchill Winston S. Churchill was a former prime minister of England during 1940 to 1945 and 1951 to 1955. He had been well known for his leadership, oratory skills and bold statements regarding political issues (internationally and locally). He was also described as being: bold, confident, manipulative, courageous, determined, outspoken, brave, and stubborn. Born into the likes of a rich family, he often undervalued the importance and value of money reflecting at times during his time as Prime Minister. As he matured, he often contemplated between a life in the army or in Parliament. His contemplation became his reality as he would â€Å"switch†between the army and Parliament as an adult. While in the army serving in various places, he became an accomplished writer and war reporter while also showing his outgoing personality. Through multiple years of this experience, he developed his writing skills and his oratory skills while being involved in world issues. Soon he developed his â€Å"bold†views on ideas (e. g. less influence in India) and having iron fist strength in his beliefs and opinions. When we finally decided Parliament was the right home for him, the Nazis’ and Hitler were preparing for their â€Å"blitzkrieg†and were preparing for the starting phases of WW2. Churchill started to realize the threat this posed and voiced out to the government in 1939 that the English government had to be more â€Å"pro-active†about Hitler. Churchill’s predictions came out true and the threat posed became imminent to the English government after the invasion on Norway and the failed campaign in Norway as well. Churchill came out as Prime Minister in 1940 after the previous Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, resigned. Right off the bat, he allotted majority of finances into the military task forces and declared war on Germany. He also stated his steadfast refusal to consider defeat, surrender or compromise peace with Hitler. Later when major countries (e. g. France) fell under the blitzkrieg, Churchill embodied his country’s will to resist and continue fighting the war. His oratory (particularly his speeches and radio broadcasts) inspired the British men. These acts helped inspire British resistance, the only active resistance against Hitler and his Nazi forces. Churchill had also spent numerous hours with the British people who were suffering from air raids by the Luftwaffe and typing numerous letters to get U. S. A into the war. Over the next few years when Russia and U. S. A had become allies and began closing in on Germany, Churchill knew this war was over and the allies had won. His prediction was, again, correct. When he announced this, he said, â€Å"This is your victory. The people shouted: No, it is yours. †Many people around the world appreciated the efforts and actions of Churchill; however, with the pinnacle of military victory, he tasted political defeat. The actions of what Winston Churchill had done for all the British people and everyone around the world is beyond words. Without him, Britain and many other countries would have been in serious trouble during WW2 and the firmness of his beliefs had inspired everyone to truly believe in their ideologies, something that we have seen quite a bit since Churchill’s time period. Some examples: Martin Luther King Jr. , Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, Arab Springs protests. They had all believed in their ideologies and proved it to themselves and the world, something great Churchill had started and shown the world.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Cause and Effect of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis :: Financial Crisis Mortgage Sub-Prime
The subprime mortgage crisis is an ongoing event that is affecting buyers who purchased homes in the early 2000s. The term subprime mortgage refers to the many home loans taken out during a housing bubble occurring on the US coast, from 2000-2005. The home loans were given at a subprime rate, and have now lead to extensive foreclosures on home loans, and people having to leave their homes because they can not afford the payments. (Chote) The cause and effect of this crisis can be broken down into five major reasons. When subprime mortgages began to flourish, the term housing bubble came into existence. The term relates to the time in which houses sharply increased in value, and consumers often borrowed at less than the lowest rates. People believed that the price of their homes would rise and they could then refinance for lower payments. The problem with that mentality is many people didn’t just refinance for lower payments, they also refinanced for personal spending. Inflation of home prices meant homeowners suddenly had more equity and were able to spend the money as they chose. All good things must come to and end. In late 2005, the housing bubble burst, and housing began to decline in price. People who refinanced, particularly those who financed with variable interest rates suddenly found their homes were valued at much less. The housing market became flooded with homes for sale, because the homeowners with variable rates and interest only loans could not continue to make their payments. (Greenspan) The rise in the number of homes for sale caused further lowering of home values. Keeping in mind that the main reason for the mortgage crisis is the high number of defaulted home loans, which triggered foreclosures and sell offs. The other four contributing factors include high-risk loans, the bust in the housing market, mortgage fraud, and speculation. High-risk loans are loans that are over leveraged, where the financing is done more than the suggested values to be given. (Greenspan) This can result in immediate sell off when the property falls below that loan amount and to avoid further loss the banks start raising the installment. The housing market has seen pressure as a result of the over pressure on most homeowners by increasing rates. This affects people ability to make the payments, resulting in defaults. This is the problem with the burst in the housing market. The third major factor that is causing the mortgage crisis is, mortgage fraud.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Leadership of Richard Branson Essay
Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group has been a household name in the United Kingdom for over twenty years. He is well respected in the business world. He is the founder of the Virgin Group, which is known for many different things such as cell phones, record labels, airlines and many more. â€Å"Branson is also known for his unique character and leadership styles, one who is not afraid to take risks, and believes that people are the foundation to his company’s success. If I were to first characterize his leadership style I would say he is definitely a democratic leader. He truly feels that getting other peoples input and listening to what people have to say are a core value to him. He carries a notebook in his pocket all the time just in case he hears something interesting from people that he interacts with on any level. Whether it be an employee, friend, business partner or complete stranger, for him he knows that good ideas can come from anywhere and anytime (Leade rship Styles, 2006).†According to Psychologist Kurt Lewin, democratic leaders make the final decisions, but they include team members in the decision-making process. They encourage creativity, and people are often highly engaged in projects and decisions. As a result, team members tend to have high job satisfaction and high productivity. This is not always an effective style to use, though, when you need to make a quick decision. The business dictionary website corresponds in its meaning of a democratic leadership style stating that the style involves a team where all persons are included in the decision-making process as well as the procedural course of action. According to an article in Entrepreneur, there is almost nothing Richard Branson won’t do to promote his company. As eccentric as this plights may be, they have made Virgin one of the best-known and most popular brand names in the world. The article goes on to explain how his strange business and managerial strategies have created a $5 billion empire. Richard Branson has also been referred to as a visionary leader. The visionary leadership style is described as â€Å"a big-picture thinker who sets clear standards and inspires with a sense of shared mission, the visionary leader can be overbearing (Blustein, 2013).†When asked about his leadership style, Richard Branson says he makes sure he is surrounded by team builders who can make sure that the needs of individual employees do not get lost in the pursuit of a grand vision. He also says to think twice before showing the smart people who work for you how much smarter you are (Blustein, 2013).†Emotional Intelligence is defined as â€Å"skill in perceiving, understanding, and managing emotions and feelings, awareness of one’s own emotions and moods and those of others, especially in managing people, an awareness of and ability to manage emotions and create motivation (, 2014).†Richard Branson is an example of emotional intelligence in practice. In 2003, the commercial successes in the highly competitive and volatile Australian Aviation Industry, with the launch of Virgin Blue’s corporate existence, the company has achieved 30% market share of the Australian domestic air travel market and is due to fl oat on the Australian stock exchange at a capitalization of billions. Branson’s leadership capability characterized by emotional intelligence, has been evident through his ability to relate to motivate and unify staff from this industry at a time when many airline employees were disillusioned and skeptical in a third airline’s ability to successfully operate in the Australian market (Carlson, Voola,& West, 2004).†This shows how the unique aspects of Richard Branson’s leadership style mesh successfully with the particular attributes of the multifaceted organization that is Virgin. Richard Branson is known to motivate employees by encouraging all employees to apply for jobs at other Virgin companies that they find interesting. In recent years, a few Virgin companies have provoked as a result; we often refer to them as our â€Å"shot in the arm†companies. They show customers and employees what our business stands for, and often inspire our teams at other businesses to try new challenges. Another way Branson keeps employees engaged is by inviting them to take part in company events, like the Virgin Mobile Live Free fest, a free music festival held every year to raise money (through donations) for homeless young people. Along with giving employees a chance to give something back to the community, the festival allows an opportunity to say thank you to customers and staff by providing them with the chance to enjoy themselves for free. The sense of fun unites the businesses reminds employees of what the company stands for. In some ways it’s easier for a large organization like Virgin to embark on such projects, but with a little inventiveness and resourceful thinking, other business owners might come up with shot-in-the-arm schemes of their own (Entrepreneur, 2012). Maintaining a focused and motivated staff can be a difficult task for employers to master, especially during harsh economic times and with stretched resources. Branson recently held a series of talks for employees, where they were encouraged to engage and debate different subjects. The exercises were held on a tropical island in the Caribbean. Every company does not have the luxury of taking their employees off to a tropical island, that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to get minds focused and engaged. If one is trying to grow a diverse, creative team, it is not necessary to take employees to the Caribbean to keep them learning. Branson has suggested inviting guest speakers to the office. â€Å"Go to events focusing on topics that are not strictly related to your industry and bring some of your employees along. He advises, one of the best ways to learn is by taking team members out of their comfort zone and embracing new ideas, results will yield. Focusing on a topic ou t of the norm can bring renewed vigor to everyday activities (Preston, 2013). My assessment of Richard Branson’s ability to articulate and communicate his vision for his company to employees and other stakeholders in the traditional sense of writing a mission statement, he has failed. However, I believe that actions speak louder than words, and with that said, Richard Branson has done an outstanding job in showing his mission statement. In an interview with Entrepreneur Branson says, â€Å"Many business management experts would argue that a mission statement should be your company’s cornerstone, inspiring and informing your employees in the years ahead. I can’t agree. The Virgin Group does have a mission statement  one that is brief and to the point. In general, there is too much importance being placed on such statements, but it is interesting to see how they reflect common missteps in business, for example Enron. Before the giant energy company went bankrupt in 2001, ruining the lives of tens of thousands of employees and investors, its vision and values statement was â€Å"Respect, integrity, communication and excellence.†While some mission statements consist of one vague statement, others are too long, which may reflect management’s lack of understanding of what a company really does. Branson goes on to say that if Virgin had to put their mission statement on a coat of arms, it would probably say something like, â€Å"Ipsum sine timore, consector,†which very loosely translated from the Latin means, â€Å"Screw it, let’s do it (Entrepreneur, 2013)!†There are four steps to evaluate whether Richard Branson’s leadership style is a good fit for me as a manager: Determine my leadership style Assess the organization’s culture Define my expectations in a leader Learn about Richard Branson’s leadership style and whether or not it meshes. Asking the following questions about the organizational culture can help clarify what type of work environment the organization offers: Work style: How does our work done? Collaboratively? Independently? A combination? How are decisions made? Consensus-driven? Authoritatively? How is communication? Verbally or in written form? Directly or indirectly? Voicemail, email, or in person? What are meetings like? Serious? Lighthearted? Tightly or loosely structured? Professional opportunities and advancement: What types of people tend to do well here? Individual contributors? Team players? People who are proactive or more responsive? How is the structure? Hierarchical or flat? Centralized or decentralized authority? Clear reporting structures or matrix? How people who do well rewarded? What happens when people don’t perform well? I conclude that I would be successful working under this type of leader. William George, a Professor of Management Practice, Henry B. Arthur Fellow of Ethics, at Harvard Business School says the most successful leaders will not necessarily be those with the highest IQ. He says they will need to be intelligent, cultured, and emotionally intelligent. â€Å"According to George, additional characteristics of a successful global leader include: An intellectual understanding of the global business context. The capacity to simultaneously develop a global and local perspective. Being able to overcome the dominant thinking at headquarters. A knack for cross-boundary partnering. A self-awareness and self-assurance when it comes to one’s values and sense of purpose The ability to develop networks that are internal and external to the organization. George goes on to say, â€Å"Ultimately, a global organization is measured by how well the diversity of its leadership reflects the diversity of its customer base and well that leadership can leverage the skills of teams working around the world (Hanna, 2012).†In my opinion, Richard Branson fits the bill as a global leader. â€Å"Sir Richard Branson is among the latest crop of billionaires who have promised to donate at least half their fortune to charity. The Virgin Group founder, who is worth more than $4bn, has added his name to the Giving Pledge campaign set up by U.S. investor Warren Buffett and Microsoft founder Bill Gates. In their pledge letter, Sir Richard and his wife Joan said they wanted to use cash from the company to create ‘a healthy, equitable and peaceful world for future gener ations to enjoy (Tomlinson, 2013).†My prediction is Richard Branson will be an even bigger success than he is now. He has pledged to give away half his Virgin fortune to make a difference in the world. It takes a real leader to make such a sacrifice for others. References (2006, 05). Leadership Styles: Richard Branson. Retrieved 05, 2006, from, A. (2013). What kind of leader are you?. Inc, 35(8), 58-59. Carlson, J. Ranjui, V. & West, A. (2004). Emotional intelligence and competitive advantage: examining the relationship from a resource-based view. Retrieved September 6, 2014 from Hanna, J. (2012). Developing the global leader. Working knowledge the thinking that leads. Harvard Business School. Retrieved September 6, 2014 from Kets de Vries, M.R. (1998). Charisma in action: the transformational abilities of Virgin’s Richard Branson and ABB’s Percy Barnevik. Organizational Dynamics, 26(3), 7-21 Tomlinson, S. (2013). Stuff does not bring happiness’: Sir Richard Branson pledges to give away half his Virgin fortune to make a difference in the world. Retrieved September 6, 2014 from way-half-Virgin-fortune-make-difference-world.html#ixzz3CmVyTGEc
Saturday, November 9, 2019
A Nation Should Require All Its Students to Study the Same Curriculum Till They Enter College Essay
For any nation, the youth shapes the most vital part of their future. They would be full of hope , enthusiasm, with a zeal to strive ahead at every thing they aim to acheive. The moulding of such minds requires a proper, balanced and diversified course of education. The curriculum moulds the youth’s minds to think in that direction. With such a sensitive issue , one should be allowed to think freely, as to what one wishes to study. Indeed a nation would like its students to have coherent , national values to an extent, but I firmly believe that, to prosper, as a whole, a student must be entrusted with the decision to choose . To choose an option that will help him or her achieve their dream. In fact, a curriculum should be diversified and tailormade as per a student’s needs, not the same to be forced upon. A national curriculum, I believe , would strive to make a coherent, streamlined thinking process , for the entire student community in general. It would not encourage students to think more, to delve into their own areas of interests. This is not just in the interest or benefit of the student , it aims at a more developed nation, where all spheres of life, are truly balanced. This indeed makes a nation more diverse and strong. Instead of forcing a student to follow a particular set of norms and curriculum for the most essential part of his or her life, the youth, which shapes their future, I firmly would encourage a more adaptive curriculum, keeping all interests of the youth in mind. Not everyone would prefer fashion over engineering. Not everyone would prefer music over agriculture. A diverse curriculum promotes an all rounded nation. Once you give a student the freedom to choose , they will explore more options and in that process they will learn through experiences and engagement. It nourishes and encourages creativity, entrusts a youth with the capability of making his or her own well informed decisions. It will be a surety of a youth graduating as a complete, wholesome and well-rounded individual, not just a student.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire - The Aftermath
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire - The Aftermath The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in 1911 was one of the most infamous industrial tragedies in American history. On a Saturday afternoon, a fire broke out in a clothing factory. While many were able to escape, the workers on the ninth floor were not alerted to the fire in time, and because there was only accessible door - locked from the outside to prevent theft or unauthorized breaks - most workers in that area were trapped by the fire. Firefighting efforts were not enough to save the ninth floor: the hoses could not work fast enough, and escape ladders did not reach high enough. The buildings elevator operators managed to make a few trips up to rescue workers before the heat warped the structure too much, but those were the only workers able to escape. 146 people died in the fire (mostly women) and there was an immediate uproar about the conditions that had led to the fire and the massive death toll. After the Fire: Identifying the Victims Bodies were taken to the Charities Pier on 26th Street at the East River. There, starting at midnight, survivors, families, and friends streamed past, trying to identify those who had died. Often, the corpses could only be identified by a dental filling, or shoes, or a ring. Members of the public, perhaps drawn from a morbid curiosity, also visited the makeshift morgue. For four days, thousands streamed through this macabre scene. Six of the bodies were not identified until 2011, almost 100 years after the fire. After the Fire: Newspaper Coverage The New York Times, in its March 26 edition, reported that 141 Men and Girls had been killed. Other articles featured interviews with witnesses and survivors. The coverage fed the publics growing horror at the event. After the Fire: Relief Efforts Relief efforts were coordinated by a Joint Relief Comittee, organized by Local 25 of the ILGWU, the Ladies Waist and Dress Makers Union. Participating organizations included the Jewish Daily Forward, United Hebrew Trades, Womens Trade Union League, and the Workmens Circle. The Joint Relief Committee also cooperated with efforts of the American Red Cross. Relief was provided to help survivors, and also to help families of the dead and injured. In a time when there were few public social services, this relief effort was often the only support for the survivors and families. After the Fire: Memorial at the Metropolitan Opera House The Womens Trade Union League (WTUL), in addition to its help with the relief effort, pressed for an investigation of the fire and conditions that led to the large number of deaths, and also planned a memorial. Anne Morgan and Alva Belmont were the main organizers, and most in attendance were workers and wealthy supporters of the WTUL. Held on April 2, 1911, at the Metropolitan Office House, the Memorial Meeting was marked by a speech by ILGWU and WTUL organizer, Rose Schneiderman. Among her angry remarks, she said, We have tried you good people of the public and we have found you wanting.... She noted that There are so many of us for one job it matters little if 146 of us are burned to death. She called for workers to join in union efforts so that workers themselves could stand for their rights. After the Fire: Public Funeral March The ILGWU called for a citywide day of mourning for the day of the funeral of the victims. More than 120,000 marched in the funeral procession, and some 230,000 more watched the march. After the Fire: Investigations One result of the public outcry after the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire was that the New York governor appointed a commission to investigate factory conditions - more generally. This State Factory Investigation Committee met for five years, and proposed and worked for many legal changes and reform measures. After the Fire: Triangle Factory Fire Trial New York City District Attorney Charles Whitman decided to indict the owners of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory on charges of manslaughter, on the grounds that they had known that the second door was locked. Max Blanck and Isaac Harris were indicted for manslaughter in April 1911, as the D.A. moved swiftly. The trial was held over three weeks, beginning on December 4, 1911. Ultimately, jurors determined that there was reasonable doubt whether the owners knew that the doors were locked. Blanck and Harris were acquitted. There were protests at the decision, and Blanck and Harris were re-indicted. But a judge ordered them acquitted on the grounds of double jeopardy. Civil suits for wrongful death were filed against Blanck and Harris on behalf of those who had died in the fire and their families - 23 suits total. On March 11, 1913, nearly two years after the fire, these suits were settled for a total of $75 per victim. In comparison, the company received about $400 per victim from their insurance company, which totaled more than $60,000 more than the reported losses.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Cmo se acredita la ciudadana americana
Cmo se acredita la ciudadana americana La ciudadanà a americana da importantà simos derechos. Pero para disfrutralos hay que acreditar que se es estadounidense. Estos son los documentos que puedes utilizar. Formas Principales de Acreditar la Ciudadanà a Americana Son vlidos cualquiera de los siguientes documentos: Pasaporte americano, que no puede estar daà ±ado ni manipulado.El certificado o acta de nacimiento, si has nacido en Estados Unidos. Tiene que ser emitido por el estado, el condado o el municipio donde se haya producido. En ese enlace se explica cà ³mo obtener una copia.El Reporte Consular de Nacimiento en el Exterior, (documento conocido como FS-240), si has nacido en otro paà s o en una base militar de los EEUU y adquiriste la nacionalidad por tu padre o por tu madre. Para tener este reporte tu progenitor americano tiene que haber registrado el nacimiento y la ciudadanà a en el consulado o embajada ms cercano. (Dependiendo del aà ±o en que has nacido puede que tengas un Certificate of Report of Birth (documento DS-1350), que ahora ya no se emiten, pero si lo tienes es totalmente vlido).El Certificado de naturalizacià ³n, para las personas que nacieron en otro paà s y que emigraron a Estados Unidos y tras ser residentes solicitaron adquirir la nacionalidad estadounid ense.El Certificado de ciudadanà a en los siguientes 3 casos que se explican a continuacià ³n: En primer lugar, si has nacido en el extranjero y tu padre o tu madre cumplen con las condiciones para transferirte la nacionalidad americana por derecho de sangre y no inscribieron tu nacimiento en la oficina consular. En segundo lugar si has nacido en el extranjero y tu padre o tu madre biolà ³gico (no vale casos de hijastros) se convierte en ciudadano por naturalizacià ³n. Adems tienen que cumplirse otros requisitos para esta ciudadanà a automtica: antes de cumplir los 18 aà ±os de edad has entrado a Estados Unidos como residente permanente legal y vives con tu padre o madre que se ha hecho ciudadano En tercer lugar, si has entrado en EEUU como un IR-3 en los casos de adopcià ³n por un ciudadano americano. Formas Indirectas de Demostrar que se es Estadounidense En ocasiones muy extraordinarias podrà a darse el caso de que una persona es ciudadana americana pero no tiene forma de obtener ninguno de los documentos mencionados anteriormente. En estos supuestos- muy raros- se podrà a demostrar de forma indirecta. Caben dos posibilidades: Si se has nacido en el extranjero y eres ciudadano por derecho de sangre segà ºn la ley que aplicaba en el momento en que naciste pero no tienes ni Certificate of Report of Birth ni Consular Report of Birth Abroad se probar la ciudadanà a presentando: el acta de nacimiento traducido al inglà ©sevidencia de la nacionalidad estadounidense de ambos padres o de uno de elloscertificado de matrimonio de los progenitores (si lo hubiera)declaracià ³n jurada del padre o la madre americano detallando los lugares en los que ha vivido Si se ha nacido en los Estados Unidos y no aparece tu acta de nacimiento hay tres opciones para probar dicho nacimiento en USA el formulario DS-10, declaracià ³n jurada de nacimiento. Sirve para obtener el pasaporte. Debe ir acompaà ±ado de una nota oficial de que no existe acta de nacimiento aceptable. Carta de falta de rà ©cord. Deber ir acompaà ±ada por los denominados Informes Pà ºblicos Tempranos (Early Public Records). Entre esos se encuentran los certificados de bautismo o de nacimiento en un hospital, rà ©cords de escuela infantil, del censo o en la Biblia familiar. Incluso se admite en esta categorà a informes de atencià ³n mà ©dica justo despuà ©s del nacimiento. Certificado de nacimiento retrasado siempre y cuando se haya realizado dentro de un aà ±o despuà ©s a dicho nacimiento. Si esta matriculacià ³n se realizà ³ ms tarde es necesario una declaracià ³n jurada de los padres o de las personas que atendieron el parto y tambià ©n presentar ejemplos de Informes Pà ºblicos Tempranos. No Sirven de Prueba de la Ciudadanà a No se admiten para acreditar el estatus de estadounidense ninguno de los siguientes documentos: La tarjeta del Nà ºmero del Seguro Social La tarjeta de votante La tarjeta de licenciarse del Ejà ©rcito americanoLa licencia de manejar Tips En ningà ºn caso los Informes Pà ºblicos Tempranos sirven, por sà solos, para demostrar que una persona es estadounidense. Debern acompaà ±arse por documentacià ³n adicional ya mencionada. El pasaporte, el certificado de naturalizacià ³n, el de ciudadanà a, el Certificate of Report of Birth, el Consular Report of Birth Abroad y el acta de nacimiento en Estados Unidos valen todos como documentos para probar tanto la identidad como la ciudadanà a americana. Pero el pasaporte es sin duda el documento ms fcilmente reconocido por todos. Adems tiene otra ventaja: permite viajar al exterior y regresar a los Estados Unidos de Amà ©rica. Curiosidad Los latinos somos la minorà a ms grande en Estados Unidos. Prueba de ello es que dos apellidos hispanos estn entre los 10 ms comunes y 19 entre los top 100.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Economic importance of Transportation Essay
The Economic importance of Transportation - Essay Example ailure at any point of the transport network that we have could be disastrous as the IRU (2002) tells us that, â€Å"Any transport network failures may be assimilated to ‘blood clots’ obstructing free movement of people, goods and services, and hindering sustainable development of world economy (IRU, 2002, Pg. 1).†For America in particular, there exists an extensive road, rail, air and sea based transport network that links all the cities and towns within the continent from New York to Juno. However the vast transport network in America was not built overnight but rather it took decades of planning, positioning, regulations, infrastructure development and a tremendous monetary investment before the network could take a useable form. Of course, for the majority of the citizenry, the most commonly seen and perhaps the most often used system for transport remains the road and highway networks that cut across the land. Economic concerns certainly come up when the road network is planned or even when a new road/highway is to be made by the government. These economic criteria define the goals of such an element of the transport network. For example, the economic goal of the road could be to alleviate pressure and thus save time for individuals who are driving from one point on the city to another. It could also be to provide more routes for accessing a point of economic interest such as a shopping mall. Even the nature of what is going to be transported by the route is an important consideration since roads going in or coming from an industrial zone may have different specifications as compared to the roads that are in use in residential zones (Weiner, 2004). An established transport network can even guide the economic development of a region since industries may be more interested in locating to a region that has an extensive road network permitting the easy movement of heavy trucks or other equipment. Access to railroads or airports may be important for
Thursday, October 31, 2019
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or on the NASDAQ Analysis Essay
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or on the NASDAQ Analysis - Essay Example Ford Motor also has magnificent dividend coverage. At the current state, Ford Motor is trading at some 4% dividend yield with some potential if Ford Motor will continue with its expansion. Ford Motor is on a recovery plan hence a reason to watch it. NYSE stock is risky for investments. Investing in such market is tricky and need more strength and resilience that many stock beginners lack. Taking stock investments with Ford Motor, for example, is risky because the automotive industry is cyclical and any time the vehicle business can fall hence affecting the investment. However, investors should always consider the tomorrow of a company before making investments. The future of Ford Motor is bright for example with the new model F-150 model holding a lot of potential in North America market. Ford Motor is the fifth largest world automobile manufacturer. The size is measured in volume of production with Ford making more sales in Ford’s European operations. Ford’s automotive is highly regarded in quality compared to its competitors. Ford size has been affected recently in the past where it had to reduce the production volume in U.S due to high production costs incurred in increased wages. The company is growing and it has the potential for the future. Growth is evident in the companies’ plans and implementation, which is slowly taking into track. One of the best strategies used by Ford Motor was the Global Product Development System, which is a tool for sharing designs globally. The strategy has been helping in developing vehicles fit for the different class of customers in the whole world. In the last quarter in 2014, Ford Motor achieved pre-tax profit of 6.3 billion dollars and net income of 3.2 billion dollars. Outlook for the pre-tax profit in this 2015 is 8.5 billion dollars to 9.5 billion dollars. The fourth quarter earnings were 26% past the 23% expectations per share by analysts. The price or earnings in stock are currently at 20.8% Ford
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Nursing research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 62
Nursing research - Essay Example The quantitative designs should identify the potential influences that may affect the dependent variable in relation to the independent variable. The confounders should be controlled to ensure that the analytical inferences apply. The independent variable is the one believed to have an impact on the phenomenon being investigated. All quantitative designs should satisfy the independent variable. The dependent variable is the one that researchers anticipate to make observations. The dependent variable should be specified in the quantitative design because the research idea is to construct a project that brings out the relationship between the two variables. Internal validity focuses on the extent to which the effects reflected in the study represents the reality rather than resulting from the extraneous variables. The threats to internal validity include history, maturation and testing. History represents an event that occurs during the study and can impact on the responses of the part icipants. Maturation indicates that participants become older, wiser, more hungry and depressed. The effect being investigated may also change depending on the number of times the tests are conducted. The design of the outcome research first requires the researcher to identify the perspective on which the conclusion will be arrived. Evaluation alternatives should also be established and ranked depending on their probabilities of occurrence. The probabilities can emanate from expert panels, clinical trial data and literature review (Rezaie and Schwebel 539). A sensitivity analysis is carried once the data is collected and analyzed. These components can be applied in the formulation of the health plans and measuring the cure rates for certain diseases. Outcome research is also effective in identifying the patient functional status and the obligations of daily living and outpatient
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Alternative Tourism And Ecotourism
Alternative Tourism And Ecotourism The critical climatic conditions and the disappearance of endangered species in the worlds ecosystems is the concern of all, and affect our everyday lives, businesses and industries. The tourism industry is not spared, having adversely and greatly contributed to the destruction of micro-ecosystems and biodiversities over decades through Mass Tourism. Nonetheless, governments, tourism-planners and international organisations are now investing into alternative forms of tourism in order to counter the still ongoing damages of Mass Tourism. The goal is to consume differently and to sensitise tourists about sustainable practices, not only during their holidays, but to implement it in their very thinking and everyday life. This paper combines the material of four different papers, based on Alternative Tourism and Ecotourism respectively. They describe the principles of each and the features required for its successful fulfillment. Introduction Lifestyles and consumer behaviour have been known to evolve and adapt to changes in global needs and the availability of resources in the world all throughout history. As such, it is not surprising that the increase in awareness, concerning the precarious environmental, social and economic situation of todays world, is leading to new trends and behaviour in the way people live and consume. Likewise, the tourism industry has been undergoing a similar transformation since at least the past two decades with the advent of Alternative Tourism. This form of tourism has been introduced since the early nineties and has began to grow in magnitude as from the 1980s. It is considered as a sustainable alternative to counter the adverse effects and low-level authentic experiences provided by the so-called Mass Tourism. The latter has boomed dramatically with the technological advance of transport facilities (air, sea and land) and the open-sky agreements between countries worldwide, amongst various other factors. Inspite of the huge, fast economic gains of Mass Tourism, it has been found to be severely disastrous on the environment and the socio-cultural aspects of host countries and communities, respectively. In contrast, Alternative Tourism has responded in retaliation into the clean or sustainable form of tourism, which takes into account, the impacts of tourism on nature, society (for both the host community and travelers), culture and economy. Here, locals are also directly involved in the making of the tourism product and are often the financial beneficiaries. The umbrella of Alternative tourism covers a vast range of tourist activities such as rural, adventure, cultural and historical, heritage, sports (such as hiking, mountaineering, caving, diving, and so on), ecotourism and any other forms of tourism that is not Mass Tourism, as long as it does not impact adversely on the host country. Ecotourism has emerged since the 1960s and is popular amongst nature and culture lovers. It fits perfectly the concept of Alternative tourism and is considered as the fastest-growing form of sustainable tourism, according to the UNWTO (2003). Hetzer (1965) described the characteristics of ecotourism as: minimizing environmental impacts, respecting host cultures, maximizing benefits to local people and maximizing tourist satisfaction. Literature Review Alternative Tourism is a process which promotes a just form of travel between members of different communities. It seeks to achieve mutual understanding, solidarity and equality amongst participants. (Holden, 1984, p.15: cited in Smith Eadington, 1992. P.18) McIntyre (1993, p.11) defines Sustainable Tourism as a model form of economic development that is designed to improve the quality of life of the host community, and provide a high quality of experience for the visitor. Moreover, to maintain the quality of the environment on which both the host community and the visitor depend. He also states that it seeks decision-making among all segments of the society, including local populations, so that tourism and other resource users can coexist. Firstly, Alternative Tourism does not damage the environment, is ecologically sound, and avoids the negative impacts of many large-scale tourism developments undertaken in areas which have not previously been developed. Secondly, it is thought to consist of smaller scale developments, or attractions for tourists which are set in villages or communities and organised by them. These are seen as having fewer negative effects social or cultural and a better chance of being acceptable to the local people than mass tourism. Thirdly, there is the question of who benefits. Certain kinds of tourism are called alternative because they are not exploitative of the local people, because the benefits flow to local residents, or in general to poorer communities. Also known as Soft Tourism, Sustainable tourism denotes a mutual understanding between the local population and their guests, which does not endanger the cultural identity of the host region and which endeavours to take care of the environment as best as possible. Soft tourists give priority to using infrastructures destined for the local population, use the same accommodation and transport facilities as the natives and do not accept substantial tourist facilities harmful to the environment (Smith Eadington, 1992). Further, as they want to get more information before and during their holiday, it may actively try to encourage a respect for the cultural realities encountered by the tourists through education and organized encounters (de Kadt, 1990). Alternative Tourism, also brings about constraints. For a variety of reasons, alternative tourism in developing countries has been much more limited and less successful than Mass Tourism. The alternative projects in the Third World are frequently handicapped by the cost of international travel in the first place and poor local connections within destinations in the second. Language barrier, differences in culture and standards of living between hosts and guests tend to hinder communication and understanding (Smith Eadington, 1992). Some of the implications of alternative tourism need to be examined more closely. These include the reduction in numbers of tourists, the change in type of tourist, the education of all parties involved, and the impacts resulting from a new set of activities. Reducing numbers of tourists has two aspects, reducing numbers in areas where numbers are currently too great, and limiting potential visitors to levels compatible with capacity parameters. It is extremely difficult to reduce numbers in a free market situation without prejudicing the viability of the industry. Revenues can be expected to decline (unless massive market replacement occurs at the same time), which can result in loss of employment and reduction in local standard of living (Butler, 1990). Also, soft tourists may not only represent a not large enough market, but may also not be a repeat market. While mass tourists are for the most part sedentary and spend their money in a limited number of locations, much of the expenditure of the alternative tourists may be pre-spent on packages or spent in small amounts in a wide variety of locations (Butler, 1990). Furthermore, educating people is an alternative that is hard for Butler (1990) to reject, but it is a mammoth and long term project. He states that most people would probably accept the wisdom of the concept of sustainable development and developing suitable and low-impacting forms of tourism, but short-term reality dictates that the window of opportunity is often limited and time-scales of most entrepreneurs are short. Those of a tourist spending a week on a beach are even shorter. It is not realistic, even if naively optimistic, to expect a tourist wishing to lie on a beach in the Caribbean to be too interested in the impact he or she may have on the social fabric of the island visited, especially when they may not wish to associate with local residents or move out of the hotel complex. However, Alternative Tourism help cleaning physical surroundings, protecting environments and often the distinctive cultural patterns of local communities. It can be a significant factor in conserving the environment. Moreover, it also helps to conserve an areas cultural heritage. Archaeological and historical places, distinctive architectural styles, local dance, music, drama, ceremonies, arts and crafts, dress, customs and value systems all comprise the culture of an area (McIntyre, 1993). He emphasises on the fact that Alternative Tourism raises awareness concerning the impacts of tourism on the natural, cultural, and human environments. It ensures a fair distribution of benefits and costs. It incorporates planning and zoning which ensure tourism development appropriate to the carrying capacity of the ecosystem. It monitors, assesses and manages the impacts of tourism, develops reliable methods of environmental accountability, and counters any negative effect. Furthermore, nature tourism encourages productive use of lands which are marginal for agriculture, enabling large tracts to remain covered in natural vegetation. Cultural tourism enhances local community esteem and provides the opportunity for greater understanding and communication among peoples of diverse backgrounds. Environmentally sustainable tourism demonstrates the importance of natural and cultural resources to a communitys economic and social well being and can help to preserve them. As opposed to Mass Tourism development, which is predominated by multinationals and tends to be unplanned and uncontrolled, taking up the most scenic regions and altering them beyond repair, Alternative Tourism requires extensive initial planning with greater reliance on local labour, and local sources of capital in line with locally promulgated regulations. Tourism assumes a complementary industrial role emphasizing the importance to continuing traditional lifestyle patterns. Existing resources (e.g., buildings) are used and renovated when necessary rather than relying on new construction. Features of Alternative Tourism Also known as Sustainable Tourism, Alternative Tourism adheres to the triple bottom-line of sustainability, that is to develop and progress without depleting environmental, socio-cultural and economic resources for future generations. In other words, these resources must be used, preserved and managed in such a way as to move forward, while keeping in mind the Native American proverb: we do not inherit the world from our ancestors, we are borrowing it from our children. Tourism can be environmentally feasible, as opposed to the pre-conceived idea exhibited by Mass Tourism during the past decades. It is not all about deforestation, land and water pollution or chains of gigantic resorts all over the place. Sea, Sun and Sand Tourism, a major form of Mass Tourism, has caused its own death by saturating the most popular and splendid coastal spots with hotel resorts, hence permanently disfiguring these locations physically, depleting and polluting its resources and attributes respectively. This has led to an increase in awareness amongst host communities and potential tourists alike, and hence emerged forms of tourism that aimed at enjoying a destination while minimizing alterations to nature and monitoring the impacts of visits at the same time. First of all, environmentally sustainable tourism businesses would take into account the characteristics of a location at the Planning Stage of a project. This is usually part of the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment). The fauna and flora would be meticulously studied and limited changes (or none at all) would be permitted, so that micro-ecosystems would be able to survive and cohabit along with the implementation of the project. This way, endangered species (both plants and animals) would still retain their habitat and the environment would be altered in the smallest possible way. Furthermore, the project should not be physically alienating to its surroundings, that is, it should be able to blend in and not be an eyesore. For instance, a state of the art hotel in a remote, under-developed village would be totally inappropriate, even if it respected environmental norms. In the same breath, operating sustainable tourism commerce implies minimizing damages done to the environment through energy and waste management. As far as possible, sustainable forms of energy must be used, and energy-consumption must remain reasonable. Waste water management is a must, and recycling must be practised as far as possible, for ethical disposal of both solid and liquid waste. However, not all businesses are able to afford the above measures, especially, since the number of green-tourists is usually quite limited. This is where the concept of Carrying Capacity comes into effect. The physical carrying capacity of a destination or site, is the maximum number of visitors that it can contain at a particular time. In order to avoid permanent environmental changes and abuse, the number of visitors and the duration of their stay must be under strict control. This is also known as the limits of acceptable change and does not require much financial investment to be accomplished. In addition, Mass Tourism brought along westernisation, the alienation of ethnic and local cultures and commodification throughout the years. Their consequences can be seen today, especially amongst the younger generations in destinations that have suffered Mass Tourism for several generations. The youth have often copied the beliefs and lifestyles so as to resemble those of foreigners, deeming western culture to be superior, and thus resulting in the loss of local cultural heritage and long-standing ancestral traditions. This is due to the fact that cultural exchange between tourists and locals has not been equitable, even though it is usually not in the intention of visitors to have such an impact on local beliefs and traditions. In order to counter this, tourists need to be educated on how to interact, behave and limit the exposure of their cultural identity, with respect to that of the host community. Accordingly, commodification, which is the act of viewing local cultural, historical or religious identity merely as a tourism product, is yet another drawback of mass tourism. Places of worship or of sacred religious importance were being assaulted with camera flashes by hordes of tourists, who were not even aware of the appropriate dress codes and behaviour to be adopted on such sites. Thanks to sustainable tourism and the responsibility of tour operators towards the education of tourists, rules and guidelines have since then been forwarded so as to minimize the impact of loss of cultural identity. Indeed, it is now the tourist that adapts to the culture of locals during visits to sites of religious and cultural importance, thus resulting in a more authentic cultural exchange and experience. Thirdly, the most immediate aspect of Alternative Tourism in a destination is the economic gains to the local community. Despite the fact that large-scale tourism generates astronomical amounts to tourism-related businesses and organisations, the majority of locals do not benefit from these profits first-handedly. In some cases, such as in franchise businesses, most of the profit goes back to the source-organisation, with local employees being paid with low salaries and slim chance of career advancement. On a different level, the concept sustainability implies that one should make reasonable use of its available resources, in such a way as to progress, while benefiting to its environment and stakeholders. This largely goes against conventional tourism, whereby most of the resources required to make the tourism product happen comes from elsewhere, whether in terms of raw materials, expertise and partially labour. It is therefore natural that economic rewards go abroad as well. On the other side, Alternative Tourism encourages entrepreneurship in all forms, from hospitality, entertainment and craftsmanship of locals. They are often offered trainings, participate in empowerment programmes and sometimes even subsided by the state to put their projects into motion. Nevertheless, financial gains, which is not comparable to that of Mass Tourism goes directly to those local entrepreneurs and the money is usually spent within the country, hence improving income distribution, increasing standard of living and indirectly contributing to the national GDP. The Emergence of Ecotourism Being one of the most popular segments of Alternative Tourism, Ecotourism is reaching a peak and gaining educational, sustainable and economic importance within the tourism industry, being one of its fastest growing sectors (UNWTO, 2003), grossing over $335 billion a year. In todays world, it plays a crucial role in the conservation of nature, in educating tourists about sustainable environmental practices and in benefiting local people. Ecotourism products consist of attractions, tours and accommodation, where each component is marketed and sold separately, but may be combined into packages as well. It is a form of tourism that targets a wide range of tourists, who are willing to experience a get-away holiday from the stress and monotony of everyday life. Its influence lies in the fact that unlike other forms of tourism, it is diverse enough to attract tourists of different age groups, budgets, interests and occupations. However, ecotourism poses a threat to its own existence and operations. Since the tourism product is settled within the type of ecosystem or environment that it promotes, there needs to be careful planning and management. Else, its activities may harm, deplete or alter the fragile and pristine biodiversities that it relies on for sustenance. Limits of acceptable change regarding social, cultural and environmental must be closely monitored in order to minimize impacts. Ecotourism projects are usually of small-scale and low-impacting; waste output is minimized and recycled as far as possible, so as to cause the minimum intrusion and alterations to the surrounding ecosystem. Biodegradable products are favoured over chemical detergents or products toxic or unhealthy for the environment. Clean and renewable energy forms, such as solar or photovoltaic panels, are popular energy sources in the most sophisticated eco-lodges as well as the use of fossil fuels are avoided. Further, infrastructures are designed to be harmonious with the environment in which it is situated. The actors involved in creating the ecotourism product include businesses, scientists, government agencies, non-governmental organisations and local or native communities. The active participation of guests or tourists, is essential for the product to be complete. It is interesting how this tends to foster collaboration and better understanding between the different contributors to ecotourism, hence encouraging local entrepreneurship and strengthening local identity. Emphasis must be stressed upon the preparation and education of ecotourists, before, during and after their holiday trip. This implies that guides and tour operators play a major role in consolidating the ecotourism product. They are responsible to instruct tourists about acceptable behaviour during their stay or trips, sensitize them to be environmentally-friendly and raise their awareness towards the need for sustainability, not only during their holidays, but also in their thinking and everyday lives. Furthermore, their duties include instructing guests about the modes and limits of communication with respect to surrounding local or native culture. Ecotourism has the goal of improving and contributing to the well-being of these people, without altering their beliefs, culture or traditions, but promoting them while empowering their identity and pride. Additionally, ecotourism projects often help natives and local communities to rehabilitate endangered species or animals and plants alike, reinstate their natural habitat and raise-awareness about them. Ecotourists are educated about the importance and relevance of such projects, if not encouraged to actively participate themselves. The profit accumulated through ecotourism is usually re-injected into ecological projects and also to upheave the standard of living of locals and their everyday situation. In the case of culturally sensible communities, such as natives, this is expended differently, in terms of medication and the protection, as well as conservation of their lands and culture. Conclusion and Discussion Alternative Tourism and Ecotourism have both been operating in a moderately successful manner in Mauritius during the past decade and is continuously gaining in popularity, both among locals and tourists alike. Indigenous plants and species are being rehabilitated and their habitat sustained, although there have been some negligence on the part of some stakeholders. The Blue Bay Marine park had been flourishing in the beginning years, but the project is now undergoing a decline due to illegal fishing and the carrying capacity of human interactions exceeded through visits, snorkelling and deep-sea diving. It is however not too late to reverse the situation and additional efforts need to be input from all stakeholders. On the bright side, small surrounding islands such as lIle Plate and lIle aux Aigrettes have known successful rehabilitation of their micro-biodiversities and human intervention is being closely monitored by environmental organisations. Fortunately, Mauritius has the resources and potential to further promote Ecotourism and other forms of Alternative Tourism, such as hiking, outdoor tourism and mountaineering. Additional resources must be made available to qualified people and organisations to implement and diversify the Alternative Tourism projects possible on the island. Emphasis should be put on consistency and regular evaluation, to cater for weaknesses. The objectives of sustainability however do not limit themselves to tourism and the whole Mauritian community must be sensitised for better environmental-friendly attitudes, which requires advocacy, education and a change of behaviour, which is a long-term and never-ending process, to protect, save and respect what remains of our nature and resources.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay examples --
INTRODUCTION In an electronic commerce environment, trust is difficult relation to build and even more critical for business success than in traditional commerce. The electronic commerce is not an ordinary business environment where we can trust the vendors. In order for electronic business to prosper, consumers must not be concerned that they will be manipulated, have their credit card numbers stolen, or receive poor quality goods or service. In response to the electronic business needs created by electronic transactions and with the increasing need for third-party assurance to guarantee the trustworthiness of the whole transaction, web seal assurance services have emerged. These web trust assurance services were developed to reduce consumers' concerns. To help consumers determine whether the website is secure, and decide to do online shopping, the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) and the CICA (Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants) have jointly developed the Web Trust Seal to help business entities in maintaining an effective privacy program that addresses their privacy risks and business opportunities.. The seal allows consumers to make purchases online with certainty that vendors have met high standards of business practices disclosure, transaction integrity, and information protection. This paper will focus on defining what the AICPA Web Trust Seal, its development background, what the principles are for obtaining the seal, who is responsible for issuing it, its process, cost, and finally the advantages and disadvantages of obtaining the Web Trust Seal. WEB SEAL DEFINED Web Trust is an international electronic commerce seal of approval designed to improve the confidence and security of co... doing business online. For those firms seeking the highest standards of assurance, the web seal provided by the AICPA is the most appreciated but also the most expensive among the other seals offered as it is evaluated based on the AICPA attestation standard basis. The web seal is considered to improve the customers' perceptions about the online shopping but business firms need to make sure that their customers are well- educated about the seal. The web seal service has several advantages such as ensuring the vendor's credibility, increasing the trustworthiness of the website, improving the company's internal controls, moreover, web seal assurance may lead to higher sales and better brand recognition. On the other side, it is an expensive service, and requires customers to be well informed about it in order for the mentioned advantages to be fulfilled.
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