Thursday, October 31, 2019
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or on the NASDAQ Analysis Essay
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or on the NASDAQ Analysis - Essay Example Ford Motor also has magnificent dividend coverage. At the current state, Ford Motor is trading at some 4% dividend yield with some potential if Ford Motor will continue with its expansion. Ford Motor is on a recovery plan hence a reason to watch it. NYSE stock is risky for investments. Investing in such market is tricky and need more strength and resilience that many stock beginners lack. Taking stock investments with Ford Motor, for example, is risky because the automotive industry is cyclical and any time the vehicle business can fall hence affecting the investment. However, investors should always consider the tomorrow of a company before making investments. The future of Ford Motor is bright for example with the new model F-150 model holding a lot of potential in North America market. Ford Motor is the fifth largest world automobile manufacturer. The size is measured in volume of production with Ford making more sales in Ford’s European operations. Ford’s automotive is highly regarded in quality compared to its competitors. Ford size has been affected recently in the past where it had to reduce the production volume in U.S due to high production costs incurred in increased wages. The company is growing and it has the potential for the future. Growth is evident in the companies’ plans and implementation, which is slowly taking into track. One of the best strategies used by Ford Motor was the Global Product Development System, which is a tool for sharing designs globally. The strategy has been helping in developing vehicles fit for the different class of customers in the whole world. In the last quarter in 2014, Ford Motor achieved pre-tax profit of 6.3 billion dollars and net income of 3.2 billion dollars. Outlook for the pre-tax profit in this 2015 is 8.5 billion dollars to 9.5 billion dollars. The fourth quarter earnings were 26% past the 23% expectations per share by analysts. The price or earnings in stock are currently at 20.8% Ford
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Nursing research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 62
Nursing research - Essay Example The quantitative designs should identify the potential influences that may affect the dependent variable in relation to the independent variable. The confounders should be controlled to ensure that the analytical inferences apply. The independent variable is the one believed to have an impact on the phenomenon being investigated. All quantitative designs should satisfy the independent variable. The dependent variable is the one that researchers anticipate to make observations. The dependent variable should be specified in the quantitative design because the research idea is to construct a project that brings out the relationship between the two variables. Internal validity focuses on the extent to which the effects reflected in the study represents the reality rather than resulting from the extraneous variables. The threats to internal validity include history, maturation and testing. History represents an event that occurs during the study and can impact on the responses of the part icipants. Maturation indicates that participants become older, wiser, more hungry and depressed. The effect being investigated may also change depending on the number of times the tests are conducted. The design of the outcome research first requires the researcher to identify the perspective on which the conclusion will be arrived. Evaluation alternatives should also be established and ranked depending on their probabilities of occurrence. The probabilities can emanate from expert panels, clinical trial data and literature review (Rezaie and Schwebel 539). A sensitivity analysis is carried once the data is collected and analyzed. These components can be applied in the formulation of the health plans and measuring the cure rates for certain diseases. Outcome research is also effective in identifying the patient functional status and the obligations of daily living and outpatient
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Alternative Tourism And Ecotourism
Alternative Tourism And Ecotourism The critical climatic conditions and the disappearance of endangered species in the worlds ecosystems is the concern of all, and affect our everyday lives, businesses and industries. The tourism industry is not spared, having adversely and greatly contributed to the destruction of micro-ecosystems and biodiversities over decades through Mass Tourism. Nonetheless, governments, tourism-planners and international organisations are now investing into alternative forms of tourism in order to counter the still ongoing damages of Mass Tourism. The goal is to consume differently and to sensitise tourists about sustainable practices, not only during their holidays, but to implement it in their very thinking and everyday life. This paper combines the material of four different papers, based on Alternative Tourism and Ecotourism respectively. They describe the principles of each and the features required for its successful fulfillment. Introduction Lifestyles and consumer behaviour have been known to evolve and adapt to changes in global needs and the availability of resources in the world all throughout history. As such, it is not surprising that the increase in awareness, concerning the precarious environmental, social and economic situation of todays world, is leading to new trends and behaviour in the way people live and consume. Likewise, the tourism industry has been undergoing a similar transformation since at least the past two decades with the advent of Alternative Tourism. This form of tourism has been introduced since the early nineties and has began to grow in magnitude as from the 1980s. It is considered as a sustainable alternative to counter the adverse effects and low-level authentic experiences provided by the so-called Mass Tourism. The latter has boomed dramatically with the technological advance of transport facilities (air, sea and land) and the open-sky agreements between countries worldwide, amongst various other factors. Inspite of the huge, fast economic gains of Mass Tourism, it has been found to be severely disastrous on the environment and the socio-cultural aspects of host countries and communities, respectively. In contrast, Alternative Tourism has responded in retaliation into the clean or sustainable form of tourism, which takes into account, the impacts of tourism on nature, society (for both the host community and travelers), culture and economy. Here, locals are also directly involved in the making of the tourism product and are often the financial beneficiaries. The umbrella of Alternative tourism covers a vast range of tourist activities such as rural, adventure, cultural and historical, heritage, sports (such as hiking, mountaineering, caving, diving, and so on), ecotourism and any other forms of tourism that is not Mass Tourism, as long as it does not impact adversely on the host country. Ecotourism has emerged since the 1960s and is popular amongst nature and culture lovers. It fits perfectly the concept of Alternative tourism and is considered as the fastest-growing form of sustainable tourism, according to the UNWTO (2003). Hetzer (1965) described the characteristics of ecotourism as: minimizing environmental impacts, respecting host cultures, maximizing benefits to local people and maximizing tourist satisfaction. Literature Review Alternative Tourism is a process which promotes a just form of travel between members of different communities. It seeks to achieve mutual understanding, solidarity and equality amongst participants. (Holden, 1984, p.15: cited in Smith Eadington, 1992. P.18) McIntyre (1993, p.11) defines Sustainable Tourism as a model form of economic development that is designed to improve the quality of life of the host community, and provide a high quality of experience for the visitor. Moreover, to maintain the quality of the environment on which both the host community and the visitor depend. He also states that it seeks decision-making among all segments of the society, including local populations, so that tourism and other resource users can coexist. Firstly, Alternative Tourism does not damage the environment, is ecologically sound, and avoids the negative impacts of many large-scale tourism developments undertaken in areas which have not previously been developed. Secondly, it is thought to consist of smaller scale developments, or attractions for tourists which are set in villages or communities and organised by them. These are seen as having fewer negative effects social or cultural and a better chance of being acceptable to the local people than mass tourism. Thirdly, there is the question of who benefits. Certain kinds of tourism are called alternative because they are not exploitative of the local people, because the benefits flow to local residents, or in general to poorer communities. Also known as Soft Tourism, Sustainable tourism denotes a mutual understanding between the local population and their guests, which does not endanger the cultural identity of the host region and which endeavours to take care of the environment as best as possible. Soft tourists give priority to using infrastructures destined for the local population, use the same accommodation and transport facilities as the natives and do not accept substantial tourist facilities harmful to the environment (Smith Eadington, 1992). Further, as they want to get more information before and during their holiday, it may actively try to encourage a respect for the cultural realities encountered by the tourists through education and organized encounters (de Kadt, 1990). Alternative Tourism, also brings about constraints. For a variety of reasons, alternative tourism in developing countries has been much more limited and less successful than Mass Tourism. The alternative projects in the Third World are frequently handicapped by the cost of international travel in the first place and poor local connections within destinations in the second. Language barrier, differences in culture and standards of living between hosts and guests tend to hinder communication and understanding (Smith Eadington, 1992). Some of the implications of alternative tourism need to be examined more closely. These include the reduction in numbers of tourists, the change in type of tourist, the education of all parties involved, and the impacts resulting from a new set of activities. Reducing numbers of tourists has two aspects, reducing numbers in areas where numbers are currently too great, and limiting potential visitors to levels compatible with capacity parameters. It is extremely difficult to reduce numbers in a free market situation without prejudicing the viability of the industry. Revenues can be expected to decline (unless massive market replacement occurs at the same time), which can result in loss of employment and reduction in local standard of living (Butler, 1990). Also, soft tourists may not only represent a not large enough market, but may also not be a repeat market. While mass tourists are for the most part sedentary and spend their money in a limited number of locations, much of the expenditure of the alternative tourists may be pre-spent on packages or spent in small amounts in a wide variety of locations (Butler, 1990). Furthermore, educating people is an alternative that is hard for Butler (1990) to reject, but it is a mammoth and long term project. He states that most people would probably accept the wisdom of the concept of sustainable development and developing suitable and low-impacting forms of tourism, but short-term reality dictates that the window of opportunity is often limited and time-scales of most entrepreneurs are short. Those of a tourist spending a week on a beach are even shorter. It is not realistic, even if naively optimistic, to expect a tourist wishing to lie on a beach in the Caribbean to be too interested in the impact he or she may have on the social fabric of the island visited, especially when they may not wish to associate with local residents or move out of the hotel complex. However, Alternative Tourism help cleaning physical surroundings, protecting environments and often the distinctive cultural patterns of local communities. It can be a significant factor in conserving the environment. Moreover, it also helps to conserve an areas cultural heritage. Archaeological and historical places, distinctive architectural styles, local dance, music, drama, ceremonies, arts and crafts, dress, customs and value systems all comprise the culture of an area (McIntyre, 1993). He emphasises on the fact that Alternative Tourism raises awareness concerning the impacts of tourism on the natural, cultural, and human environments. It ensures a fair distribution of benefits and costs. It incorporates planning and zoning which ensure tourism development appropriate to the carrying capacity of the ecosystem. It monitors, assesses and manages the impacts of tourism, develops reliable methods of environmental accountability, and counters any negative effect. Furthermore, nature tourism encourages productive use of lands which are marginal for agriculture, enabling large tracts to remain covered in natural vegetation. Cultural tourism enhances local community esteem and provides the opportunity for greater understanding and communication among peoples of diverse backgrounds. Environmentally sustainable tourism demonstrates the importance of natural and cultural resources to a communitys economic and social well being and can help to preserve them. As opposed to Mass Tourism development, which is predominated by multinationals and tends to be unplanned and uncontrolled, taking up the most scenic regions and altering them beyond repair, Alternative Tourism requires extensive initial planning with greater reliance on local labour, and local sources of capital in line with locally promulgated regulations. Tourism assumes a complementary industrial role emphasizing the importance to continuing traditional lifestyle patterns. Existing resources (e.g., buildings) are used and renovated when necessary rather than relying on new construction. Features of Alternative Tourism Also known as Sustainable Tourism, Alternative Tourism adheres to the triple bottom-line of sustainability, that is to develop and progress without depleting environmental, socio-cultural and economic resources for future generations. In other words, these resources must be used, preserved and managed in such a way as to move forward, while keeping in mind the Native American proverb: we do not inherit the world from our ancestors, we are borrowing it from our children. Tourism can be environmentally feasible, as opposed to the pre-conceived idea exhibited by Mass Tourism during the past decades. It is not all about deforestation, land and water pollution or chains of gigantic resorts all over the place. Sea, Sun and Sand Tourism, a major form of Mass Tourism, has caused its own death by saturating the most popular and splendid coastal spots with hotel resorts, hence permanently disfiguring these locations physically, depleting and polluting its resources and attributes respectively. This has led to an increase in awareness amongst host communities and potential tourists alike, and hence emerged forms of tourism that aimed at enjoying a destination while minimizing alterations to nature and monitoring the impacts of visits at the same time. First of all, environmentally sustainable tourism businesses would take into account the characteristics of a location at the Planning Stage of a project. This is usually part of the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment). The fauna and flora would be meticulously studied and limited changes (or none at all) would be permitted, so that micro-ecosystems would be able to survive and cohabit along with the implementation of the project. This way, endangered species (both plants and animals) would still retain their habitat and the environment would be altered in the smallest possible way. Furthermore, the project should not be physically alienating to its surroundings, that is, it should be able to blend in and not be an eyesore. For instance, a state of the art hotel in a remote, under-developed village would be totally inappropriate, even if it respected environmental norms. In the same breath, operating sustainable tourism commerce implies minimizing damages done to the environment through energy and waste management. As far as possible, sustainable forms of energy must be used, and energy-consumption must remain reasonable. Waste water management is a must, and recycling must be practised as far as possible, for ethical disposal of both solid and liquid waste. However, not all businesses are able to afford the above measures, especially, since the number of green-tourists is usually quite limited. This is where the concept of Carrying Capacity comes into effect. The physical carrying capacity of a destination or site, is the maximum number of visitors that it can contain at a particular time. In order to avoid permanent environmental changes and abuse, the number of visitors and the duration of their stay must be under strict control. This is also known as the limits of acceptable change and does not require much financial investment to be accomplished. In addition, Mass Tourism brought along westernisation, the alienation of ethnic and local cultures and commodification throughout the years. Their consequences can be seen today, especially amongst the younger generations in destinations that have suffered Mass Tourism for several generations. The youth have often copied the beliefs and lifestyles so as to resemble those of foreigners, deeming western culture to be superior, and thus resulting in the loss of local cultural heritage and long-standing ancestral traditions. This is due to the fact that cultural exchange between tourists and locals has not been equitable, even though it is usually not in the intention of visitors to have such an impact on local beliefs and traditions. In order to counter this, tourists need to be educated on how to interact, behave and limit the exposure of their cultural identity, with respect to that of the host community. Accordingly, commodification, which is the act of viewing local cultural, historical or religious identity merely as a tourism product, is yet another drawback of mass tourism. Places of worship or of sacred religious importance were being assaulted with camera flashes by hordes of tourists, who were not even aware of the appropriate dress codes and behaviour to be adopted on such sites. Thanks to sustainable tourism and the responsibility of tour operators towards the education of tourists, rules and guidelines have since then been forwarded so as to minimize the impact of loss of cultural identity. Indeed, it is now the tourist that adapts to the culture of locals during visits to sites of religious and cultural importance, thus resulting in a more authentic cultural exchange and experience. Thirdly, the most immediate aspect of Alternative Tourism in a destination is the economic gains to the local community. Despite the fact that large-scale tourism generates astronomical amounts to tourism-related businesses and organisations, the majority of locals do not benefit from these profits first-handedly. In some cases, such as in franchise businesses, most of the profit goes back to the source-organisation, with local employees being paid with low salaries and slim chance of career advancement. On a different level, the concept sustainability implies that one should make reasonable use of its available resources, in such a way as to progress, while benefiting to its environment and stakeholders. This largely goes against conventional tourism, whereby most of the resources required to make the tourism product happen comes from elsewhere, whether in terms of raw materials, expertise and partially labour. It is therefore natural that economic rewards go abroad as well. On the other side, Alternative Tourism encourages entrepreneurship in all forms, from hospitality, entertainment and craftsmanship of locals. They are often offered trainings, participate in empowerment programmes and sometimes even subsided by the state to put their projects into motion. Nevertheless, financial gains, which is not comparable to that of Mass Tourism goes directly to those local entrepreneurs and the money is usually spent within the country, hence improving income distribution, increasing standard of living and indirectly contributing to the national GDP. The Emergence of Ecotourism Being one of the most popular segments of Alternative Tourism, Ecotourism is reaching a peak and gaining educational, sustainable and economic importance within the tourism industry, being one of its fastest growing sectors (UNWTO, 2003), grossing over $335 billion a year. In todays world, it plays a crucial role in the conservation of nature, in educating tourists about sustainable environmental practices and in benefiting local people. Ecotourism products consist of attractions, tours and accommodation, where each component is marketed and sold separately, but may be combined into packages as well. It is a form of tourism that targets a wide range of tourists, who are willing to experience a get-away holiday from the stress and monotony of everyday life. Its influence lies in the fact that unlike other forms of tourism, it is diverse enough to attract tourists of different age groups, budgets, interests and occupations. However, ecotourism poses a threat to its own existence and operations. Since the tourism product is settled within the type of ecosystem or environment that it promotes, there needs to be careful planning and management. Else, its activities may harm, deplete or alter the fragile and pristine biodiversities that it relies on for sustenance. Limits of acceptable change regarding social, cultural and environmental must be closely monitored in order to minimize impacts. Ecotourism projects are usually of small-scale and low-impacting; waste output is minimized and recycled as far as possible, so as to cause the minimum intrusion and alterations to the surrounding ecosystem. Biodegradable products are favoured over chemical detergents or products toxic or unhealthy for the environment. Clean and renewable energy forms, such as solar or photovoltaic panels, are popular energy sources in the most sophisticated eco-lodges as well as the use of fossil fuels are avoided. Further, infrastructures are designed to be harmonious with the environment in which it is situated. The actors involved in creating the ecotourism product include businesses, scientists, government agencies, non-governmental organisations and local or native communities. The active participation of guests or tourists, is essential for the product to be complete. It is interesting how this tends to foster collaboration and better understanding between the different contributors to ecotourism, hence encouraging local entrepreneurship and strengthening local identity. Emphasis must be stressed upon the preparation and education of ecotourists, before, during and after their holiday trip. This implies that guides and tour operators play a major role in consolidating the ecotourism product. They are responsible to instruct tourists about acceptable behaviour during their stay or trips, sensitize them to be environmentally-friendly and raise their awareness towards the need for sustainability, not only during their holidays, but also in their thinking and everyday lives. Furthermore, their duties include instructing guests about the modes and limits of communication with respect to surrounding local or native culture. Ecotourism has the goal of improving and contributing to the well-being of these people, without altering their beliefs, culture or traditions, but promoting them while empowering their identity and pride. Additionally, ecotourism projects often help natives and local communities to rehabilitate endangered species or animals and plants alike, reinstate their natural habitat and raise-awareness about them. Ecotourists are educated about the importance and relevance of such projects, if not encouraged to actively participate themselves. The profit accumulated through ecotourism is usually re-injected into ecological projects and also to upheave the standard of living of locals and their everyday situation. In the case of culturally sensible communities, such as natives, this is expended differently, in terms of medication and the protection, as well as conservation of their lands and culture. Conclusion and Discussion Alternative Tourism and Ecotourism have both been operating in a moderately successful manner in Mauritius during the past decade and is continuously gaining in popularity, both among locals and tourists alike. Indigenous plants and species are being rehabilitated and their habitat sustained, although there have been some negligence on the part of some stakeholders. The Blue Bay Marine park had been flourishing in the beginning years, but the project is now undergoing a decline due to illegal fishing and the carrying capacity of human interactions exceeded through visits, snorkelling and deep-sea diving. It is however not too late to reverse the situation and additional efforts need to be input from all stakeholders. On the bright side, small surrounding islands such as lIle Plate and lIle aux Aigrettes have known successful rehabilitation of their micro-biodiversities and human intervention is being closely monitored by environmental organisations. Fortunately, Mauritius has the resources and potential to further promote Ecotourism and other forms of Alternative Tourism, such as hiking, outdoor tourism and mountaineering. Additional resources must be made available to qualified people and organisations to implement and diversify the Alternative Tourism projects possible on the island. Emphasis should be put on consistency and regular evaluation, to cater for weaknesses. The objectives of sustainability however do not limit themselves to tourism and the whole Mauritian community must be sensitised for better environmental-friendly attitudes, which requires advocacy, education and a change of behaviour, which is a long-term and never-ending process, to protect, save and respect what remains of our nature and resources.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay examples --
INTRODUCTION In an electronic commerce environment, trust is difficult relation to build and even more critical for business success than in traditional commerce. The electronic commerce is not an ordinary business environment where we can trust the vendors. In order for electronic business to prosper, consumers must not be concerned that they will be manipulated, have their credit card numbers stolen, or receive poor quality goods or service. In response to the electronic business needs created by electronic transactions and with the increasing need for third-party assurance to guarantee the trustworthiness of the whole transaction, web seal assurance services have emerged. These web trust assurance services were developed to reduce consumers' concerns. To help consumers determine whether the website is secure, and decide to do online shopping, the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) and the CICA (Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants) have jointly developed the Web Trust Seal to help business entities in maintaining an effective privacy program that addresses their privacy risks and business opportunities.. The seal allows consumers to make purchases online with certainty that vendors have met high standards of business practices disclosure, transaction integrity, and information protection. This paper will focus on defining what the AICPA Web Trust Seal, its development background, what the principles are for obtaining the seal, who is responsible for issuing it, its process, cost, and finally the advantages and disadvantages of obtaining the Web Trust Seal. WEB SEAL DEFINED Web Trust is an international electronic commerce seal of approval designed to improve the confidence and security of co... doing business online. For those firms seeking the highest standards of assurance, the web seal provided by the AICPA is the most appreciated but also the most expensive among the other seals offered as it is evaluated based on the AICPA attestation standard basis. The web seal is considered to improve the customers' perceptions about the online shopping but business firms need to make sure that their customers are well- educated about the seal. The web seal service has several advantages such as ensuring the vendor's credibility, increasing the trustworthiness of the website, improving the company's internal controls, moreover, web seal assurance may lead to higher sales and better brand recognition. On the other side, it is an expensive service, and requires customers to be well informed about it in order for the mentioned advantages to be fulfilled.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Cross Cultural Perspectives Essay
Introduction: The world is an ever changing place. What is taboo today may become a norm tomorrow. There are vast numbers of countries with various languages, religions and their cultural ethnicity. India has been referred to as a country which is a living example of unity in diversity. In today’s age of capitalism and free trade, borders are soon getting irrelevant and people are migrating, more than ever before, to achieve their personal and organisational goals. It becomes all the more important to understand cross cultural dynamics and its implications on international businesses looking to expand in new markets. Why understand Culture? Today we see companies looking towards new markets and industries to expand their businesses. Growth in the west is almost at its saturation peak and developed industries are looking to foray into Asian markets to promote their growth and take advantage of developing economies. There are a lot of constraints in entering new markets, businesses have to understand regional aspects and the environment which govern these markets. There are various aspects of the environment which are Political, Legal, Economic and Cultural. Economic, Legal and Political environment differ in different regions and are sometimes governed by their local culture. Culture in many ways influences and has a major role to define these policies. When businesses are entering new markets they can study economic limitations, political and legal environment. But â€Å"Culture is a man made part of the environment†(Herskovits, 1948, p.17). Geert Hofstede in 1980 explained that Culture consists of shared mental programs that control individual’s response to their environment. It has been very easy to understand culture in terms of Hofstede’s dimensions and compare countries based on these studies. These are Power distance, Uncertainty avoidance, Individualism-Collectivism, Femininity and Masculinity. I once came across an advertisement from HSBC, where in a polish company selling washing machines wanted to know why their sales are highest in a part of India. When their representative visits the vendor he realises that the machine is used to prepare a delicacy rather than washing clothes. The punch line of the advert was â€Å"if you’re going to do business internationally you should be with a bank that knows about International business†During the 3rd session of Cross-Cultural Perspective we came across a task of negotiation. My key learning’s during this task were that communication style and sharing of information was vital in successful negotiation beneficial for all. We started aggressively trying to force our opinion and make the other party aware about our concern and make them sensitive to our objective. But we soon realised that the key to a successful negotiation was dealing with the other party with co-operation and being sensitive to their needs. This realisation made us reach an amicable solution towards solving the â€Å"ugly orange case†. Hence we learned that a good negotiator should possess good negotiating skills, communication, multiple solutions and also should understand the emphasis of BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement). We also learned about Leaders and their qualities. There is an argument by some that leaders are born, others believe that leaders can be made. I am of the view that leaders are not born but made. I do have certain leanings in terms of charismatic leaders and their family tree, e.g. Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi, but to larger extent leaders can be made and groomed provided they have the necessary qualities and attributes to lead and motivate people. During my work assignment I spent a considerable amount of time in United States of America. I was spearheading a transition project which involved training, coaching and transitioning work from United States to India. My colleagues from America were straight forward and direct in their communication. The instructions and information provided by them was straight to the point and often construed by me as rude. I had a confrontation with my co-worker where I asked him to put in some extra hour of work. He was quite direct i n refusing and also went ahead in telling me that this is not the way Americans work. I was influenced by the work culture in India and assumed that it is alright to ask a colleague to stay back a couple of hours after work. In the US, there was a lot of emphasis on work-life balance. Conclusion: Now after getting acquainted with cross-culture perspectives and various theories I have better understanding between the cultural differences of America and India. I think that using the dimensions provided by Hofstede and theories based on these dimensions we can analyse and understand culture and their dynamics. These will be helpful to organisations entering new markets and regions.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Chores vs. Allowance
Great dinner, delicious,†I say getting up with my plate. Everybody agreed as my family all got up and put their plates on the counter. My step mom also grabbed the pots and pans and stacked them on top of the plates. The whole counter is eventually covered with all different types of dishes. Alright now try to guess who get to wash, scrub and clean all these dishes all by themselves, me. Every time we eat, I'm responsible for dishes, the toughest Job in the house after we eat. It's Just me, soap, a sponge, and an army of pots and pans for 45 minutes to an hour and 15 minutes.Then Just when I think I'm done the reinforcements come in and they need to washed and scrubbed to the point of spotless. I'm in the zone though washing dish by dish so that the attack force is very low on numbers and that I'm almost done. Now it's time for my reward, a pat on the back, and a ,†Good Job,†from my dad, nothing else, no money. Many kids, like the one above have to do chores aroun d the house and don't get an allowance because their parents think these chores should be mandatory. Having to do chores for no reward does not motivate the child to the work they have to do.If the child was paid a few bucks a week, the child would be more motivated to take on the responsibility of doing chores that he/she will get paid a couple of bucks for. A small cash allowance for doing a certain amount of chores would also teach the child to handle money that there working for. I believe that a weekly allowance would teach kids responsibility, and that they would work for things not expect them to be given to them, the child would also learn how to handle money more maturely. One reason why kids should get a weekly allowance for doing chores is that it teaches kids he responsibility to work for things.If your parents do everything for you, you won't take on any responsibility, which wouldn't help you in the long run when you move out of your parents' house. According to one ar ticle, â€Å"If kids have to work for their money, they also will understand and hopefully appreciate how hard it is to work and earn money,†(www. online. ws]. com). This is saying that getting paid for doing chores teaches the responsibility of working for your own money, and that money doesn't come easy. Also according to another article, â€Å"Chores teach life skills, cooperation, nd responsibility,†(www. parenttoolshop. com).This quote says that chores teach responsibility, and that kids should work for things. Although some parents might say that chores should be mandatory, because the parents take care of you, an allowance would excite kids to help and get them doing chores, rather than being forced to do something the child will argue about. A reward would also teach the child to do a Job well but it would take longer than to do the chore quick but not do it well because there not excited to do it. The reward also helps to motivate the child into doing hores so they can help but they'll still get a couple of bucks.Overall an allowance for doing chores has the potential to teach kids responsibility. Another reason why a weekly allowance for doing chores is a good idea is because kids would learn to handle money more maturely and to not waste it on stupid stutt It the child got money the child would learn to save their money so that when they get older the child won't be shop crazy and spend money at every opportunity. According to one source, â€Å"The goal of an allowance is to reinforce the lesson to kids that all money is imited and that kids will be best if they put thought into how they use it. (www. oprah. com). This says that getting money for chores will teach the child a lot about money and how to use it. If the kid learns this from an early age it will help them when they get older and are faced with tougher decisions on what they should buy. Another source also states that, â€Å"Allowances can teach money management skills; how to earn, budget and priorities purchases,†(www. parenttoolshop. com). This says that having money will teach skills that can only be taught by having money.Although some parents think that the child will waste the allowance money, then ask for more money to get something, the child will be told that since he/she is getting an allowance, he/she can't ask for more money when they run out, which will teach the child how to save and spend his/her own money that they earned. Overall an allowance for doing chores has the chance of teaching kids money management skills that children will need when they get older. Although I believe that an allowance for chores is a very good idea I do understand some of the points against my argument are legitimate reasons.Some parents might say that an allowance for chores will have children doing everything for money, not Just wanting to help out. However the parents should split the chores into two groups. I do agree that the child should be responsible for doing everyday chores, so that those chores will be group 1. The group one chores are mandatory and the child does not get paid for doing them. Group 2 would have chores that are more difficult, but if done properly the child would get a reward. The reward comes at the end of the week only if the child completed a certain amount of chores agreed upon by that family.
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